100 Bangladeshi Workers In Kuwait Organize Protest Against Company

28 September 2016 Kuwait

Around 100 Bangladeshi workers in Kuwait, who claim their company have failed to pay their salaries or provide them accommodation and residency permits, have resorted to staging a sit-in yesterday at the Bangladesh Embassy in Khaldiya. The workers demanded that the company fulfill its obligations of ensuring valid residency permits for its workers, which have not been realized since they joined 11 months ago.

The workers are also frustrated that they have been denied their salary and have no accommodations for the past two months. They have been forced to take other jobs to make ends meet, and live in fear of security checks, where Kuwaiti police can drag them to prison and deport them.

A representative from the company spoke to local media and explained that they are working with the embassy to resolve the issues. On the topic of residency permits, the representative said the company has encountered some issues with the ministry and hence, processing the visas was taking time.He gave assurance that the workers issues would be dealt with in the next few days or weeks, and the company will pay the outstanding salaries. He expected work to resume in the coming days.

He went on to provide additional information, he said the workers were recruited by a local recruitment agency and only last month they came to the comapany with their problems. The company intends to continue negotiations and work towards a possible solution.

: 3929

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