Drug Use On Rise In Kuwait - 60,000 Addicts

31 July 2015 Kuwait

Drug addiction consultant and Chairperson of Support Team for Relatives of Drug Addicts Ghanimah Al-Habib revealed that parents arrange illicit drugs for their daughters out of fear that they will face social scandal if they are caught in the act. She stressed that such a behavior of the parents adds to the failure in dealing with the problem and implementing proper solutions.

Al-Habib warned against the consistent rise in the drug addiction rate by men and women in Kuwait, revealing that the number of drug addicts is actually ten times more than 6,008 as declared by the Ministry of Health in 2014 because the real number is over 60,000. She indicated that treating drug addiction at the Psychiatric Medicine Hospital is expensive, as it costs over KD 2,000 per month. She urged the government to grant licenses to private practitioners in order to reduce the cost of treatment spent by the relatives of drug addicts.

By Eynas Awadh Al-Seyassah Staff 


Source - Kuwait Times

: 1844

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