Forum Construction Of The Culture Of Construction And Construction

Engineers Without Borders Kuwait and the family of Tatweibati site launch a forum entitled " Construction " of the culture of construction and construction under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of State for Municipal Affairs and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohammed al-Jabri

The aim of the forum is to guide the citizens of the building with sound foundations and steps, as well as help the Kuwaiti engineers to promote the work to promote their country, engineering and urban, where the forum includes lectures and workshops on the various stages of construction from the idea and design and then the licensing stage to the implementation and the proper ways to avoid problems and differences to reach The highest quality building, where the forum will be attended by a number of speakers of specialists and engineers to present their expertise and methods of excellence and success management of engineering projects and overcome the difficulties.

Price :
30 KWD
18-09-2017 09:00 AM To 18-09-2017 02:00 PM 20-09-2017 09:00 AM To 20-09-2017 02:00 PM

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