Dependent Traveling Outside Kuwait

21 September 2018 Legal

I am on dependent visa here in Kuwait as my husband is the one working here and sponsored me to come over.

Is it possible for me to travel outside Kuwait for example to Dubai, UK or US without him? I want to confirm the rumors I heard that its not possible for they will look for the sponsor.

I’m trying to research about it but it seems I can’t find any details except for types of visas and requirements.

Nothing much about rules and regulations regarding travelling and upon researching I saw your site answering queries that I opted to try and send you my question. Kindly do not publish or mention my name if ever you’ll post my question. Thank you in advance for your time!

Name withheld

Answer: The issue of the sponsor may only arise in the course of your visa application and interview by the embassy of the country you want to visit. If after the applications and interview processes you are granted a visa, nothing will stop you from visiting the countries you mentioned. Having said this we must point out that things will be easier for you if you and your husband apply for the visa and travel together.



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